sábado, 4 de octubre de 2014

Thoughts on: Destroy Me

This a Shatter Me novella. It is from Warner's POV. And we kind of learn more about his character and how he really is. He turns out to be a maniac for control (maybe OCD). Also, we kind of see a glimpse of his dad, the supreme commander of The Reestablishment. 

I gave this 3 out of 5 stars on Goodreads. 


Turns out Warner has a reason to everything he does. For example the excuse of "using Juliette as a weapon" was just to have access to her. I mean, somehow, it is trying to prove that he too is not that bad. 
It was until chapter 8 (maybe) when I started to felt sympathy towards him, when he started to read her diary. 
What really caught my attention was that he apparently bumped on Juliette's case by looking for something else.What was he looking for? And it is related to people with superpowers?

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