viernes, 10 de enero de 2014

Bout of Books 9.0 Create a Story Challenge

This is my entry for this challenge of creating a story. However, I was reading my only spanish book in my TBR for this readathon, so the story would be in Spanish (cause obviously the words were) but I would be translating it into English (as well as I can). So, without further due, here it is:

Una mariposa rápido escapó del mejor simio.
Por contraste, al final Coulter inadvertida, podría bolsas apartadas de vestidos lana en piso de vestíbulo.
Oído, jilguero entregado, le descarga en corredor.

A butterfly quickly scaped from the best monkey.
By contrast, at the end, Coulter unaware would put remote bags of woolen dresses in the hallway floor.
Ear, delivered goldfinch, downloading in the passage.

BTW, the book is la Brújula Dorada (The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman).

This challenge was quite fun!

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